Pull List Subscriptions Sign-up is now OPEN!

We’ve opened the gates for monthly comic book subscriptions and we’re ready for you to dance on through and sign up for our spankin’ new Subscription Service!

We’re using Manage Comics to order from the major distributors. They have detailed guides on how to use their app in their Customer Pages help section. Highly recommended to peruse!

To get started, just visit the Subscriptions link in our menu and click the “Please sign in to Manage Subscriptions” button. From there, you’ll be prompted to enter your email, which will send you a one-time sign-in code. After that, your Subscriber account will be created and you’ll be all set to fill out your profile and start adding books to your pull list!

We’re wildly stoked to finally be offering this service to you, but there’s bound to be a hiccup here and there. Please bear with us as we get our sails up, and if you have any questions about specialty orders or your current subscription, head over to the Letters Column and drop us a note!



We are STOKED to announce our first-ever Magic The Gathering: Darkmourn draft evening!

There will be three nights of Magic Mayhem & Merriment on October 29th, 30th, and 31st, starting at 9:30p.